

We dispatch your parcels within 1 to 3 working days.


Delivery times depend on your delivery address:

Country Delivery time  Delevery charges
United States Tracked Standard Shipping (4-8 Business Days) $20.00 USD and up (free)
Tracked Standard Shipping (4-8 Business Days) $0.00 USD–$19.99 USD ($3.90 USD)
Insured Shipping (PRIORITY Processing) $5.90 USD
Europe Tracked Standard Shipping (4-8 Business Days) €20.00 and up (free)
Tracked Standard Shipping (4-8 Business Days) €0.00–€19.99 (€3.90 EUR)
Insured Shipping (PRIORITY Processing) €5.90 EUR
Rest of the world Tracked Standard Shipping (4-8 Business Days) $20.00 USD and up (free)
Tracked Standard Shipping (4-8 Business Days) $0.00 USD–$19.99 USD ($3.90 USD)
Insured Shipping (PRIORITY Processing) $5.90 USD

Order tracking

We will send you tracking information within 24 hours of your order leaving the warehouse to the e-mail address you provided at checkout.

Returns and refunds

If you wish to return your order, please refer to our returns policy.

You can contact our customer service department at any time by visiting our contact page.